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How To Shape Up Your Resume
Ready to tackle a new challenge? Haven’t updated your CV in a few years? Here’s some tips on making sure your resume sits at the top of the pile. Length As a general rule of thumb your resume won’t be read for more than 20 seconds. If you’re lucky. Keep it under 2 pages…
How To Keep Your Tech Skills Relevant
In a dynamic and evolving tech landscape, your skills are your greatest asset, and your biggest challenge. What is useful and in demand one year may become obsolete (or at least less applicable) the next. Employer appetites for skills obviously reflects these shifting technical developments, so it’s your prerogative to stay current and ahead…
It’s time for a move to New York, New York!
1. Art Attack New York is the cultural centre of the planet! From fine dining to street food, galleries, museums and fashion, there’s no other place on earth where there’s more to do. 2. All Business As the home of many of the brands and businesses you’ve grown up knowing, not to mention Wall Street,…
Why You Should Be In Sydney For Tech
If you’re in technology, there’s a raft of reasons why a move to Sydney should be on the cards. 1. The Harbour CIty If you don’t live here, you probably should. That’s the sentiment of everyone at the Motion Recruitment offices anyway, an equal blend of locals and ex-pats who’ve traveled the world and settled…
New Year, New Gear: Why We’re Investing In Ourselves
If you’re taking the time to read this article, chances are you’ve taken our new website for a spin. We’re pretty excited about how it looks and the story it tells. Our old site, if you remember, was a bit of a relic; we hadn’t updated the tech or content since our earliest days,…
Wise Words: Amazing Quotes For Jobseekers
Whether you’ve been looking for the right job for ages or you’re starting to get fed up with your current role, the process of finding a new position can be time consuming, confusing and full of obstacles. With that in mind we’ve tapped into some wise and relevant words from the brightest minds in…