How To Prepare For A Technical Test
As part of many interview processes, candidates will be required to complete a technical test. This may be a written test or a face-to-face process, and it can often be a stage of the interview process where an otherwise well-suited candidate may struggle, as it could be outside of the scope of what they’re…
As part of many interview processes, candidates will be required to complete a technical test. This may be a written test or a face-to-face process, and it can often be a stage of the interview process where an otherwise well-suited candidate may struggle, as it could be outside of the scope of what they’re used to or what they have prepared for. Here are some tips on preparing yourself for such an occasion and ensuring you stay ahead of the pack.
Remember What The Requirements Are:
If there’s a job description or some other scope document, make sure you understand this information thoroughly, and shape your answers in any technical test to reflect their wants and desires. It’s a simple way to ensure you aren’t bombarding the company with unnecessary details, and it’s a psychological way to put you in good favour with the interviewer: studies have shown that simply repeating the requirements in your own words gives the impression you’re suited for the role.
Brush Up On The Technical Stuff:
Head back to the textbooks (or more likely the online information) to ensure you’ve got a good understanding of the technical requirements of your skill set. You don’t want to get caught out on a simple question you know the answer to just because you haven’t visited the material in a while.
Brainstorm Session:
Go through the process of putting your thoughts, skills and experiences on paper in a brainstorming session. Not only will this consolidate your knowledge, it will also assist in helping to structure the way you can link from different skills and learnings to other positive talking points about yourself. It’s all about structuring your own career and suitability in a compelling and thoughtful way.
Be Clear:
Be articulate and communicate as succinctly as possible. This may be as simple as talking through particular processes or experiences out loud to yourself or to a trusted friend so you’re comfortable saying the words and phrases out loud.
Mentally Prepare Yourself:
It can be really stressful being put on the spot, or working to a deadline. Take a moment to go through your own calming techniques, whether that’s meditation, rehearsal, laying off the coffees on the big day or arriving at a nearby café with plenty of time to spare.
If you wish you were at the point where you were preparing for a technical test, but you haven’t found the right job yet, give me a buzz today!
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